About Us

Makemie Memorial Presbyterian Church 

Love All, Serve All

Makemie Memorial Presbyterian Church is a small but active faith-based congregation based in a historic late 19th century Gothic building and rooted in a 350-year history and tradition. 

As Makemie, we are committed to:

Proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ

Following the will of God as revealed to us in Scripture and prayer

Acting, in daily and church life, as Jesus’ disciples             

Serving God and our neighbors through

             Our Worship and Music

             Our Building and Financial Resources

             Our Fellowship, and Mission & Outreach Activities

Our church endeavors to be real and faithful to Christ and not hide behind 

closed doors.  In fact, our church doors are never locked--just pull and c'mon in! 


We know that our future requires change and new approaches.

We firmly believe God is with us, among us, and will guide us in our quest to 

expand our church’s witness in the greater community.

We are seeking to become a more welcoming, vibrant, multi-generational, 

and integrated church. To that end, we will have an experimental 

inter-generational, interactive worship service with leadership and 

participation from the broader community in November and December of 2023.


We also continue to invite the community to Soup Sundays, to travelogues, 

and to Bible Study. People are invited to receive or volunteer for our 

annual Hallowe’en Pizza Night, and for the annual Gerald Wilson 

Memorial Christmas Food Box Distribution. In addition, we host the 

watermelon distribution at the annual Blessing of the Combines, 

as well as the Snow Hill Community Christmas Concert, made possible 

by the participation of community musicians. Worship is livestreamed on 

Facebook, allowing those who cannot attend in person to participate, 

and members and local musicians are invited to provide special music.


Our Presbyterian Women’s group participates in local and global mission, as well as the local Angel Tree Christmas gift program. 

Our church’s mission contributions include the four PC(USA) Special Offerings as well as support for local charities. In addition, our building is home to a spiritual director, weekly AA meetings, and 4H activities requiring a commercial kitchen.


Makemie Memorial Presbyterian Church is part of the national Presbyterian Church (USA) and the regional New Castle Presbytery. We have joined the national church and the presbytery in becoming a Matthew 25 congregation, focusing on church vitality and combating systemic poverty and racism. Though such work, and through our worship and outreach, we are a community that is a family representing Jesus to the community and the world.